Non-coding Diver

In recent years, our understanding of the genetic landscape has expanded beyond the traditional focus on protein-coding regions of genes. Studies have indicated that non-coding RNA (ncRNA) and mutations occurring in non-coding region can have profound effects on cellular function and cancer development. While previous databases have made valuable contributions to our understanding of non-coding drivers, they have certain limitations, including limited coverage of non-coding regions, insufficient integration of multi-omics data, and inadequate functional annotation. In contrast, this page of OncoTriMD aims to provide a comprehensive resource encompassing cancer non-coding drivers and their regulatory mechanism, biological function, and potential clinical application to cancer.

OncoTriMD integrates an extensive collection of non-coding drivers derived from several reputable databases that focused on ncRNA-cancer associations and literature that focused on predicting driver mutations occurring in non-coding regions of genes. For all collected non-coding drivers, we provided detailed gene basic information and functional annotation. The current version of OncoTriMD collected 17,505 entries of 1,647 protein-coding genes, 5,042 non-coding RNAs with reported drivers in their non-coding regions from 110 cancer types. By leveraging the distinctive strengths of different databases, we successfully merged information from different sources, thereby offering relevant annotations for three crucial aspects of non-coding drivers: regulatory mechanisms, biological functions, and potential clinical applications. With its comprehensive coverage and robust annotation, OncoTriMD offers a unique opportunity to delve deeper into the intricate world of non-coding drivers and uncover novel insights into their role in cancer development and progression.

